Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Human Beings or Spiritual Beings?

Nothing is so precious as what is
yourself in others and others in yourself.
You and the world you live in are but a grain of sand
upon the infinite shore of an infinite sea.
I AM the infinite sea, and all the worlds
are but grains of sand upon My Shore.

Kahlil Gibran

I thought I would share with others who happened to stumble here some of the Wisdom which I have acquired over time on this Journey called Life...My guiding philosophy gleaned from this cumulative Wisdom is: LIVE WITH THE HIGHEST PERSONAL INTEGRITY BECAUSE YOU MUST LIVE WITH YOURSELF...and it has served me well.

I believe we are all Children of the Law of One, and as such, have a choice and a responsibility to remain true to ourselves as Children of Divinity. This is a Path both simple and complex. Though we each may tread different paths along the Way, we are all on a Journey to the same Destination, which is not a place that can be found, but a state of Being that can be reached. Consequently, we should lend a helping hand to others at whatever station in Life, whatever stage of spiritual growth they are, for "the unity of the Soul of one man with God is the unity of the Soul of all men with God." Evolving into who we truly are is an on-going process, which takes many lifetimes, and we can always learn more about what it means to be Human and Spiritual Beings. Above all, NEVER underestimate the power of Love in all of its diverse forms, no matter how bleak and dark the Times may seem...

Only Love can bring individual beings to their perfect completion as individuals,
by uniting them one with another, because only Love takes possession
of them and unites them by what lies deepest within them.
This is simply a fact of our everyday experience.
For indeed at what moment do lovers come into the most complete
possession of themselves if not when they say they are lost in one another?
And is not Love all the time achieving--in couples, in teams, all around us--
the magical, and reputedly contradictory feat
of personalizing through totalizing?
And why should not what is daily achieved on a small scale
be repeated one day on world-wide dimensions?

Humanity, the Spirit of the Earth, the synthesis of individuals and peoples,
the paradoxical conciliation of the Element
with the Whole, of the one with the many:
all these are regarded as utopian fantasies;
yet they are biologically necessary;
and if we would see them made Flesh
in the World, what more need we do
than imagine our power to love growing and broadening
until it can embrace the totality of Men and of the Earth?

Pierre Teilhard de Chardin

Also, a helpful guideline for discernment is remembering that "...the essential criterion of Truth... is its power of developing infinitely--not only without ever producing internal contradiction, but also in such a way as to form a positively constructed whole in which the parts support and complement one another ever more effectively." In the words of T.H. Huxley "...we stand on an islet in the midst of an ocean of inexplicability..." Yet with clear Vision and true Strength is Wisdom attained.

Many of us find wisdom along the Path in many forms--through a blog or other online post, books, poetry, film, in Nature, a child's smile, a song's lyrics, another's words spoken at just the right Moment. We may be blessed with being able to see the Truth threading its way through these Moments, and guiding us in mysterious and inexplicable ways. Learn to trust these bits of intuition and synchronicity.

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