Saturday, February 14, 2009

A Valentine Message for My Spouse

As you privately share with your secret Valentines, I wish you your life and inspiration, hoping that you finally find True Love within your Self.

I am very truly sorry that I could never be for you what you needed or wanted, but I cannot be any one else any more. A fatigue within my Being has been setting in that I must awake from to save my Self. I am tired of the emotional distance between us, the deception, the cold indifference, lack of compassion and warmth. Most of all, I am tired of being criticized and blamed as if I was the only person in this relationship, as if you never make mistakes.

But I also do not want you to be any one else. This is who you are, who you have chosen to be, and I must honor that.

There is a strange peace in knowing there is no other place for us to go, except where we are right now. It is not a place I want to be, but such is Life with lovelessness.

I wish only that Angels watch over each of us as we walk our separate paths into the future.

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